The Furry Land franchise model is designed for 100% passive, semi-absentee, or full-time owner/operators with proven management experience who are capable of managing multiple grooming vehicles. We’re looking for someone with true entrepreneurial spirit—who will start their Furry Land franchise with two vehicles and be ready to increase to two more over the short period.
The pet industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in America. Translating to over 80 million dogs and 50 million cats. With the rise of door-to-door services booming daily in America it is easy to see why Furry Land Mobile Pet Grooming is poised to thrive.
Being a dog groomer is not necessary for the owner to thrive in the Furry Land business model.
What makes the Furry Land franchise so wonderful is our door to door service that gives pets undivided attention all in the comfort of a custom equipped van. Pet owners are spared the stress of driving to an appointment with an anxious pet in the car.
For pets, benefits include, a grooming session in a quiet familiar setting and no other pets around them.
For pet owners, flexibility in scheduling appointments at their home make this a very comfortable service for the pet and their owner in the safest possible environment.